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A Visit by Dream Canoe to the Hidden Brother Earth by Horace Brave Scut

Chronicle of the Great Chief’s Return

BOOK ONE—Jacob’s Trouble 1. A Voice from the Ground 2. A Thief in the Night 3. The Spin Shamans 4. Luv heat and the marcyz boyz 5. Hard Choices 6. The Wailers at the Wall 7. Shelter from the Storm 8. A Covenant God 9. Retreat to Petra BOOK TWO Yom Kippur: Yeshua’s Return

B e y o n d t h e R a p t u r e ( Earth I ) by Chronicler Horace Brave Scout

If All Were One

If all the seas were one sea, What a great sea that would be! And if all the trees were one tree, What a great tree that would be! And if all the axes were one axe, What a great axe that would be! And if all the men were one man, What a great man that would be! And if that great man took the great axe, And cut down the great tree, What a great splash that would be! --Old English Nursery Rhyme (slightly amended)

“And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.” --Yeshua of Nazareth, Matthew (Book of the War of Heaven and Earth) 11:12

Chronicle of the Great Chief’s Return

Book One—Jacob’s Trouble

The Voice from the Ground

Gabriel Tall Chief began the long journey that Horace Brave Scout finished. Gabriel’s journey really began with the Ghost Dance and the final death of Wovoka the Ghost Dance Messiah’s dream at Wounded Knee on the Pine Ridge Reservation. . Wovoka was a peaceful Paiute, but the dream was taken up by the fierce and warlike Lakota people, and it was their fate under the leadership of Yellow Bird to die by the hundreds when their Ghost Dance-inspired immunity to bullets and weapons evaporated under the withering fire of U.S. Army’s Major Whitside’s Hotchkiss guns.

Greater despair than before settled over the remaining Lakota people in the aftermath of the Battle of Wounded Knee. Wovoka’s vision had given them hope that that the Wasichu would be driven away and the buffalo would return in vast numbers, along with all the dead Lakota of the past to repeople the plains.

A hundred years later the same despair gripped the hearts and minds of the Lakota, when the young CP patient, Gabriel Tall Chief, meditated on the destruction of his people and the loss of their great dream of full restoration.

When he came to see that by dreaming the dreams of other peoples, even the dreams of the enemies who had taken their lands by force, he knew he held the key to the future that had eluded generations since Wounded Knee. But it would not work without one thing. If that one thing was missing, there would be no change, and the Lakota would remain locked in the prison of hopelessless, drunkenness, and dependence on the Wasichu.

This one thing Gabriel struggled to pass to his blood brother, Horace Brave Scout, who resisted it and ran away from it for a time in the deserts of the Southwest. Once he surrendered to what Gabriel’s wisdom, and when he lay down in the Weaver People’s “dream canoe,” he had no idea of the vastness and complexity and bewildering dilemmas of the journey on which he was embarking.

As worlds hitherto unimagined him flooded into his soul and spirit, flashing upon his inner eye, how could he know that he was being linked at the same time with a myriad of other human destinies no longer separated by unpassable gulfs of time and space? As he lay in the Dream Canoe, another man, north of him, inhabiting an earlier time, viewed him standing on a cliff holding a dream catcher as a great canoe sank into the sea, in an ocean it couldn't have been sailing across, in a time decades after it plunged into the North Atlantic, but there it was, going down at the mouth of the Columbia, nevertheless.

It was to carry him not only to the Beginning of Mankind, but to times and events even before man first step foot upon earth. This was necessary, he would find, to understand what the the End of Mankind meant (the end of the present world, that is), and to understand that he had to see the Beginning and all it involved.

Men would devise chronicles from the earliest times, especially in the courts of kings and rulers, but these were only rude copies of heavenly chronicles—such as the Chronicles of Angels!

What were they? As the Dream Canoe pierced through the heavens, even the heavens of the far distant past, bringing him back to the very roots of divine existence, before there even existed the Twin Earths, he was shown the Chronicles the angels kept to aid their own understanding of the Deity and His mighty acts.

Horace, of course, was not shown portions that he could not have possibly understood, but just those that dealt with the Creation of the Twin Earths and the Creation of his own species.

All the chronicles of the angels regarding the Earths and men, for Horace anyway, begin here: when in the course of time the Almighty Elohim, the Creator God, saw fit to restore the Twin Earths that Lucifer had ruined with his Titanic-Luciferan civilization and the fallen archangel decided he would have to go in person, however, to investigate. What was he going to see? It was a certain poison cloud the Enemy formed on two places on the surface of the planets. The cloud was the same in shape and substance on both Earth I and Earth II. What was it protecting? What was in it, that was so precious to the Enemy? What was the Enemy hiding from him? Always curious about the Almighty’s secret plans, Lucifer could not overlook an opportunity to possibly find out what the Enemy was cooking.

The answers to Lucifer’s burning questions, unfortunately, lay behind poisonous mist so inpenetrable that it formed a wall of death that hedged the area on all sides and provided a dome as well so that the garden that nothing could go in or go out. Many times, growing impatient, he had sent spies, but they turned into writhing lumps of agony if they got too close to the cloud—-it was that deadly! Like a living thing, it observed any movement and could even strike out at anything approaching the garden! Finally, he was obliged to leave his pride and joy: Atlantis, which he had ridden like a saddle on a great steed, carrying them both to great heights of achievement that could not help but reflect glory upon him as the true Source of all its splendor.

Ah, Atlantis! This was a new civilization he had fashioned with Atlas and other Titans on a continent in the Western ocean. He decided to go and see if he could find out what the Enemy was up to. The Atlantean Titans, without any interest in the Enemy or his doings, wanted nothing to do with the poison cloud or its secret contents. Their supreme technology and culture was all that mattered to them, and the glory with which they surrounded themselves blinded them to lesser things. But Lucifer’s condition in life was different. He had lost his first estate, and now had to fight to preserve his second estate or lose it. Having sufferered from false assumptions in the past, hee harbored a deep suspicion there was more to it than the Enemy was willing to reveal to anyone.

A long while passed. Atlantis grew by leaps and bounds, aided by Lucifer’s great intellect and organizational genius (a genius hardly what it had been, of course, before his fall, and with his wisdom even more diminished). But there was one fly in the ointment—that restricted, poison clouded area in the east of Eden. How could he get in? He just had to find out what it meant! But how? Flying back and forth to visit each planet and its poison clouded, off-limits area, he kept up surveillance.

As he observed the cloud, there came a time when he saw it visibly thinning. It no longer appeared quite so thick and threatening. Finally, the cloud grew so weak it completely evaporated, and Lucifer could look directly in! What a discovery that was! Even his Atlantis could not boast so beautiful a garden as the Enemy’s! No wonder, he thought, the Enemy had sought to keep him out! Heaven was, of course, far greater in splendor, but this was as close to the Heavenly Paradise as one shut out could wish. It was absolutely superb, with trees in it you could find no where else on the planets! And there were other inhabitants, all sorts of birds and animals. And one animal was unique in appearance: it looked and acted like a sort of king of the garden. It walked and talked with the Enemy day after day. The creature wore no robes of office or position, and had no need of any, for it carried itself like a king without need of any covering.


Even he, Lucifer, covered himself, rather than appear as he had once appeared before the Enemy in heaven—but this new creature of the Enemy’s. Aside from the golden outer glaze, strangest of all, the Enemy talked to it, day after day!

What was so special about this new creature anyway, that God condescended to talk to it?

Going to his throne room to ponder this new development, Lucifer was surprised one day to encounter the Enemy in the form of a blazing candle that was too bright for anyone present to look upon. It infurated Lucifer that the Enemy would invade his dominion without an invitation, but he quickly realized he could do nothing to stop such intrusions.

“Yes, what is it you want?” he said rudely to the Enemy, shielding his eyes with his arm.

The candle flamed all the brighter, growing by billions of candlepower in strength so that Lucifer and his millions of courtiers cringed and clapped hands and wings (if they had wings) over their faces. It was if a nuclear blast had struck in their midst, only the deadly radiation was that of holiness, not gamma and neutron rays.

“Have you seen my creation, man?” the Candle of God said.

“Yes, I have,” replied the archangel, still shielding his dazzled eyes with his blackened wings. “What about it? I see nothing remarkable in it, nothing at all.”

“I fashioned him from the clay of the ground, and his name is Adam.”

Without warning, Lucifer broke into uproarious laughter that filled the throne room and set the smallest devil present back on the balls of his feet.. Just as abruptly, he ceased.

“Pardon me, if I find this creature’s very name amusing! Now, what do you purpose to do with this clay pot of yours? Is he to take over the planets that have conceded to me the Light-Bringer as my rightful dominion? If that is so, I must strenuously protest this violation of the terms of our agreement. According to the treaty to which we both were signatories--”

Actually, while saying this and covering himself with laughter and scorn, Lucifer’s mind, always preyed upon by anxiety, was racing. Called “Adam” after the clay from which the Creator fashioned it, it was a puzzle to Lucifer. What use could a walking, talking clay pot be? The Enemy seemed to spend a lot of time appearing to it, and talking to it. How could the Almighty enjoy talking to such an inferior vessel of clay as Adam? Even though he could claim a golden glaze, Adam could not fly, or throw lightning bolts, or slay whole worlds with fiery bursts of rage--he was nothing but a weak clod of clay--fashioned, as he was, from soil the Almighty had taken from a riverbank! Why the Enemy would go to the trouble to restore two entire worlds so this dirt clod could have a home, Lucifer could not imagine.

“I thought you would like to pay a visit to the garden, so I have removed the hedge,” the Enemy went on when the protesting Lucifer finally ran out of steam and fell silent.

This remark threw Lucifer into a state of mind that could not be imagined—he was absolutely overwhelmed with amazement and wonder. The Enemy had just invited him into his precious little garden? Whatever for? Was it a trap of some kind? It had to be a trap! But for what purpose? What was the reason for the Enemy’s invitation? Lucifer had to find out! And the only way to find out was to go, obviously! He could sit in his throne room forever and learn nothing—since his slaves only knew as much as he told them!

But how exactly should he go? As a flaming archangel that appeared with the brightness and swiftness of a lightning bolt? That would surely frighten Adam to death. Or maybe in his true state since his “retreat” from heaven? No, that might frighten Adam to death as well. He finally decided that a certain creature the Enemy had made would serve his purpose, something which Adam was familiar with, having named it. The creature was called a serpent, and it was both subtle and beautiful.

Having decided to go, and how to go, Lucifer turned back to his unbidden Guest. But the Candle was gone! As instantly as it appeared, His Holiness, the Spirit of God, vanished. Despite all the hellish red glow of the assembly, deep, palpable, not very fragrant Darkness settled back into the Light-Bringer’s throne room, and everyone heaved a sigh of great relief.

Lucifer, however, left soon after. He had important business to take care of. He flew down to the garden, observed the created man and his wife until he was certain how best to proceed. He was certain now that this new species was created for the purpose of populating and ruling the planets that he himself claimed. He had to get rid of the new species, but how? Now that the poison cloud had dissipated, he had visual and even physical access, not to mention an open invitation by the Enemy. He had to be careful, evenso. The Enemy, he knew, never gave anything away without strings attached. So what could he lose this time that he hadn’t already lost in previous encounters with the Enemy? He thought it over some time, but couldn’t think of anything substantial. Rather, it seem all to his advantage if he could somehow subvert and ultimately destroy this new species before it got going and spread across the planets. Obviously, with the going of the Cloud, this was the Enemy’s next move. But the Enemy, vaunting his powers, had thrust the whole plan into Lucifer’s face as if to taunt him to try and stop it if he could. Well, he could!

He observed the bodied clay-man and clay-woman at first together and then separately until he came to know their ways and could determine by and and large how they thought. Before long, as he watched them closely, he noticed that their movements and activities confirmed what he suspected: they seemed to be avoiding something. Giving him great joy, he found out that the Enemy had forbidden them to eat of a certain tree, named the “tree of the knowledge of good and evil.”

This gave h im great hope he was on to something he could use. A tree whose fruit would give the eater knowledge of both good and evil? He himself didn’t need such knowledge, since he already had knowledge in abundance, but to this new species such knowledge would no doubt be something to be desired, for they seemed such childlike, innocent things in their actions and speakings.

He then found out there was yet another special tree, which they had also spurned so far, though the Enemy had invited them to eat of it. It was the so-called “tree of life,” and did not look as nice as the forbidden tree. If only he could trick them into eating the fruit of the forbidden tree! That little bit of disobedience would bring big trouble to them for disobeying the Enemy, or so the Enemy had warned Adam.

Crossed, the Enemy would get very angry and then cast the clay people from the garden, and possibly destroy them on the spot with a blast of his holiness! The Enemy had not spared his chief angel, so it was highly unlikely he would spare these vastly inferior clay-people. There was no hope for them once they unleashed God’s anger! And if the Enemy didn’t slay them, then he certainly would!

Far away in space from the garden in Eden where the serpent stood on feet and enticed Adam’s wife, far away in time to from the disastrous choice she made, and Adam with her, Horace Brave Scout’s visions continued as he again entered the vanished Dream-Weaver People’s dream basket-canoe. How could he know that he was not seeing his own world but one very distant, indeed, though a twin.

Obedient to the people dreaming it in order to give the knowledge he sought as their dream-advocate, Horace stayed utterly quiet and unmoving as the series of dreams unfolded like the unraveling of the color-coded, intricately braided coils of a Dream-Weaver’s basket. As he followed the slowly spiraling strains down toward the darkened base, the immensity of the basket of dreams made itself known to his senses as he flew slowly suspended through image after image, all of which were like a set of story boards and movie frames set in motion around him...now, if he thought about it, it was only a feeling and not a thought, what he would do with such knowledge, he was not able to tell at this point. It was enough to be a good listener, listening not just with his ears but with the heart and core of his being. Otherwise, he sensed, the gift would be withdrawn, and the dreams would flee back into their secret baskets hidden somewhere in the recesses of the caves of the long- vanished Dream-Weavers. And if that happened, it would be a hard loss: the whole world would stagger and not be the same. No, he had to succeed and give the dreams their due. Otherwise, the sacred hoop of his people, and the hoop of the whole world with it, would remain forever broken.

Dream after dream revealed itself, until he saw the greatest Dream of all, the Cross, which the Almighty had dreamed for his Son before long before all time and existence began. Fulfilling His Father’s Dream, the Son hung suspended on the Roman cross, sustaining the very nails by His divine power that pierced his hands and feet.

The Creator of heaven and earth, Elohim, had given Adam the man many days—not to mention the great long Day in the Garden, that stretched for how many years Adam could not possibly count! He remembered all the numbered days, however. First, before the Days, came the great Beginning, when God created the heavens and the earth. And after the Beginning, there was a time when the mighty giants of heaven built great cities and sailed on the rivers and lakes in beautiful vessels of great swiftness and power, but they displeased the Creator with wicked pride and violent ways, and he destroyed them all from off the land.

In the struggle with their leader, while he was fighting against the Creator the earth too was destroyed, for there came Darkness and void covering the earth, and the earth lay in a river of dark waters, with no life or growing, green trees and herbs, or any animals to inhabit it. Nor was there yet any Adam and his woman. But the Spirit of God came and moved upon the face of the waters that overflowed the earth, and the power of God brought light, making Day and Night, and gathered the waters together in one place, bringing forth the dry land. And then on the dry land God created all the kinds of animals, until He had filled both the dry land and the gathered waters, which God called Seas, with all manner of beasts and fowl and fishes, placing fowl in the firmament which he had created to cover the dry earth. In the firmament he had place great lights for the Day and Night, the Sun to rule the Day, and the stars and Moon to rule the Night. God did many such wonderful things.

But the most wonderful was not such things. It was when he made Adam from red clay of the ground by their river, a tributary of the Euphrates, the Pison. It was one of the four rivers that flowed in various channels like canals to water the garden God made just for Adam to live in. The garden! Adam sighed as often as he looked in its direction. His wife sometimes wept just as she had when they were driven out by flaming beings that towered above them with swinging swords. How frightened they were at the sight of these warrior servants of God!

That was a terrible Day, indeed, when they had to leave their home, the garden God made, to go live in Havilah in the outside world. For what? And where would they go? They had no idea. So they did not go far. When the servants of God turned back and left them alone, then they fell down under some sheltering trees and wept, holding each others’ arms. How suddenly it happened too! Later, when Cain his first son asked him about it, it was as if he were still there, back in the garden, one day. It was after the Day of the Serpent’s Temptings. God had clothed their nakedness, so that they no longer felt so much shame in each other’s eyes. God had slain animals, taking the skins and making them so clean they were good to wear around their bodies. That was the first time he had seen blood of animals, how red it was, just like the clay God had used to make him a man in his own image.

Well, as Cain prodded him for the story of the Day of the Serpent’s Speakings, Then but more were being added as time went on and things happened in them that he needed to tell his children, and their children. Though his wife sat by him when he was telling of the things in these days since the beginning, and she reminded him if he left anything out, it grew even too much for her, the number of days, and so he began to make marks for signs on smooth stones and even big lumps of clay from the river. Near the flowing stream of Pison lay their home. They had need of it when they grew thirsty and also needed to bathe and make themselves clean again. It was a good river, full of fishes, and he could catch the larger ones, he found, by using nets fashioned of reeds his wife wove together. It was great fun for him, and they learned to use the fish he caught, finding it was good to eat when they roasted it over a fire. Fire was something he had found by taking some from a tree, which was still burning after a violent storm in the night, when the light from the flashes in the heavens struck through the through the leafy boughs he used to make a roof and walls for their shelter by the river. It was so blinding that they were forced out to the cave in the river bank, where the Creator had dug the clay out of which he, Adam, was first made.

Now his son Cain made things to hold water from the clay, which was colored like the blood of animals. He even smeared it on the gopher wood post columns of his clay-plastered shelter to make it more appealing to his eye! What a strange one he was--looking with a woman’s eye to the appearance of his shelter like that! What good was that? Could the coloring of his shelter make it stand up better in the big winds? Did it keep out the burning Sun in the noontide and give them needed shade? How green and cool the garden was--there was so much shade there, but here by the river the trees were smaller and stood together less often. They needed protection from the full strength of the Sun. What was a shelter, just something to keep out the strength of the Sun and keep them out of the sight of the big, fierce, night-roving beasts, for they were not bothered as long as they remained inside at night? “But, father, it looks better to the eye. I like that!” Cain had replied to his father’s words, whenever Adam came by to visit his son in his own shelter. But he hadn’t finished his story, Cain prodded his father. Adam awoke as if from sleep. He had seen himself back in the glorious garden, clothed in the new skin God had given him to cover his nakedness, looking about the trees for something good to eat. He crossed by a certain tree, and then recalled he had never eaten of this one. Suddenly, a voice spoke in his thoughts.

“You made a mistake you can’t blame me for. How did I know God would get so angry at you, that He would cause you shame, and curse the woman and the ground? It is hard to tell what God will do next! So, that other tree caused you some trouble and made you ashamed, when your eyes were opened and you saw how naked God made you, but this one is good, you should eat of it. Quickly, O man! You must do as I tell you now, if you really want to get what is good for you! It will make you even wiser than you are now, and you shall be as gods. That is why He will--!”

“--He will do what?”

The Serpent, if that was what spoke, didn’t finish as if it had been driven off. Adam glanced around, but saw no serpent as his wife had seen talking to her. The serpent had been most beautiful in those days, and stood up on feet like a man could stand.

Eve and Serpent

But now serpents, deprived of feet, crawled upon their bellies over the ground, cursed by the curse of God’s words against them for making the wife of Adam to eat of the tree God had forbidden them. Seeing no serpent, Adam turned to look elsewhere. This tree held no interest to him. All the other trees were more favored in appearance and fruitage. Once he had paused to wonder why God should put such a common thing in the garden to grow, when the other things were all so beautiful. It bore fruit, but they were small and dark. And there were sharp spines on the branches. Why should he stick his hand into the spines to gather such small, insignificant fruit? This tree had never attracted him, though God told him it was the “Tree of Life.” God told him it held “Life forever and ever,” but Adam could not see any such thing in it and turned to the more favored trees with their beautiful leaves and goodly fruits. Seeing him do this, his wife did the same and found no desire in her heart for the tree. Wasn’t he, Adam, alive? Why did he need a tree like that to give him “Life for ever and ever”? God’s words, since they did not please his understanding or make him desire the tree, were forgotten. He was content with the other good trees. Only now the words returned to his mind, and he had to wonder about that strange tree--for it was strange! What was it doing in the beautiful garden anyway?

Adam shivered. Old fear flooded him in recalling how, standing by that strange tree and considering if, somehow, he had made a mistake in passing by God’s words about it, the great shining servant of God came, waving a flaming, pointed staff. The servant stepped in front of the tree forcing Adam back. Adam turned and ran. The servant followed, joined by yet another just as tall and fearsome in appearance. Together, man and wife ran to hide among the big trees, but the servants of God followed, driving them out. This kept on until they were forced to the wall, and then through the gate opening on the east. Right out the gate they were driven. By this time Eve was weeping and crying out, and he was trying to keep her from falling as he helped her by the arm. How they stumbled and tried to run, but they had no idea where to go, and so they never went very far, and the servants of God kept coming at them, driving them further than they wanted to go. Finally, the servants of God left them alone and returned to the garden, vanishing among the trees.

Creeping back under the cover of dark, Adam and his wife found they could not get in! The warrior servants of God stood at the gate swinging their staves of flame in every direction.

Guardian Cherubim at the East Gate

It was a terrifying sight, and Adam and his weeping wife fled back to Havilah, never to make the attempt again.

That Day had passed. It was followed by others until he, Adam, had lived one hundred and forty years, by his own means of reckoning he had made. Already in that short time his eyes had witnessed a number of dark days since he first ate of the forbidden tree. But some were bright, almost as bright as those in the garden. One glad day was the Day of Cain’s Birth. How they had rejoiced! They had made, with God’s help, a tiny man like unto Adam. It was a wonderful thing in their eyes. So Adam lay with his wife again, and it happened in time as it happened with Cain. Another little man of clay was made, whom his wife called Abel. He and the mother soon found how different their little men could be from each other.

Cain was always busy making new things. Behind big, dark, lightless eyes, a lust for knowledge ceaselessly operated. He was quick to wonder how to use things, and then to make of them things that even God had not made. Abel was not like that. He gathered animals and tended them, the most peaceful of them, so that they could drink their milk. It helped nourish their bellies, that rich milk from the mother sheep! He had made his parents very happy with that drink! Water was all they had before. Now life was good enough, he thought. It wasn’t the garden, to be sure, but it was good. But Cain, seeing that his younger brother surpassed him, was not satisfied. He thought of a way he could gather together enough food, so he would not have to work every day as his brother did. When he wasn’t working, he could do things strictly for his own pleasure, like making beautiful things or doing whatever amused him. So he made plants to grow for him by digging them up and putting them in a special garden by his dwelling that he tilled and tended carefully. Soon he discovered a better way, that wasn’t so hard and didn’t make his brown sweat so much. He took seeds of choice plants and herbs and planted them in his garden, and when the plants came he watered them with water from the river whenever it was needed. Soon he gathered much food for himself and his parents who remained simple food-gatherers for a long time, though he kept the greater amount for himself to store for days when he did no work at all. At first he was happy to share with Abel his abundant foods, but later made Abel exchange his milk for the vegetables and ground fruit, and keep strict account so that he always got as much milk as he desired, else he refused to trade. He found it easy to get the advantage of Abel too, by trading the fruits and vegetables that were not so fresh away and keeping the best for his own use.

Not knowing everything, Father Adam thought all was going well. He saw the piling up of good things to eat in Cain’s larders and was impressed, Cain was, his father thought, good in his head that way. He was always thinking how to make new things, then to make them look beautiful if possible. His shelter became a marvel of rooms, with blood-red pillars made from wooden posts cut from trees. How he had made a sharp staff to do such work was a great feat, in Adam’s eye. Cain had heard of the flaming, sharp-edged staff that could cut a tree in twain as it swung at his father and mother when they fled the garden. He had asked his father repeatedly about it, until he thought of a way to make something like unto it. But first, the fire that Adam had found in the heart of the smoking tree, which they had kept going, by using considerable care. That fire Cain took, heating the colored soils he dug from the ground in certain places. He found that if he could blow hard enough the flame would grow fierce, but he soon ran out of wind. So he took bladders from animals he managed to kill and made them make greater winds for his fires. They served him whenever the winds were not blowing along the river hard enough to make his ovens fierce in heat. It took much work and much wood and fire to make the soils melt in the oven. Once he did that, he used rocks to make the liquid form in various shapes. When the liquid cooled, it hardened and could be rubbed with other rocks to make it take a sharp edge. That was how he made cutting instruments and could use them on the trees, making whatever he wanted from them. He could even cut off his hair with one of them, when it grew too long and got in his face too much!

That was another thing: Cain’s hot ovens. When he had no need of them for making sharp cutting things, he thought up other uses. He took grain and ground it into powder with smooth stones and then mixed water with it, and finally baked the mixture in his clay ovens. It smelled good when he did that, and before it burnt he took it out. Cooled, they ate it, and found it nourishing and good to eat. Now they had milk and bread to go with their foraged fruits, along with the fruits of the ground that Cain still cultivated. Abel refused to slay his animals so that they might eat the flesh. Cain kept asking him for the flesh, but Abel always refused for he loved his flock, giving names to all his animals. Another day that made Adam sigh, and even weep like his woman, was the Day of Cain’s Wrath. How it happened was something that would always bother Adam. The little brothers had played so happily, only to grow into men who lived apart. That was Cain’s choice, of course, for he wanted his very own shelter as soon as he was grown. But he would not invite his brother when he too was grown, so Abel had taken a spot out among his flock to live. It looked much like Adam’s first shelter, and barely kept out the Sun’s strength. But Abel was at peace there as it was. He loved to be close to the living things God made, plants, animals, and the heavens, without walls to separate himself from them. How Cain laughed at Abel’s “house” whenever he passed by it, going to his own fine and beautiful shelter filled with the many things he had made for his use.

The brothers were still friends though they lived separately, and traded back and forth whenever they had need. From time to time they would go walking in the fields to see what lay beyond their homes in Havilah by the river. But they soon returned, so the parents never feared they would become lost in the vast world that lay beyond. Cain was always the one who talked of what they saw on those walks. He described the big, spacious lands of Nod that Adam could only see on a part of the river’s bank that stood highest. Were they really as good as Cain said they were? But why move, when they had all things sufficient? Life was good just beyond the gate of the garden. His restlessless more than he could contain, Cain wanted to move, but Adam refused--and Cain grumbled but stayed with them. Once or twice he tried to persuade Abel to move away with him, but Abel too refused. “My flocks cannot make such a journey, he said. My ewes would cast their young on the way. No, I shall remain here in Havilah with my parents and my flock.”

Bitterly disappointed with his family, Cain went back to his making of new things, but he often stood on the high point, gazing off into the distance at the big new lands beyond that seemed to beckon to him more strongly with each passing day.

One day Adam was surprised to see smoke rising from that same high point of land by the river Pison. Was it Cain stoking up fire in a new oven? It was early morning, however, and Adam knew Cain would not yet be up. Abel, however, tending his flocks as he did, remained awake most of the night to protect them from the prowlers that often tried to snatch away his lambs. Once or twice he had lost lambs that way and was determined not to let it happen again. He had even traded Cain for a long smoothed stick with a sharp metal dart at the end. But he didn’t like it after using it, and went back to throwing stones with a sling Cain had made for him.

“What in the world was Cain up to now?” Adam wondered. He went on out to the high ground, and as he climbed he saw it was not Cain but his younger brother. Adam paused, surprised. Was Cain teaching Abel his ways? Would Abel too make things such as Cain did and never settle down?

Then he saw Abel lying face down on the ground. Adam’s eyes widened. Their was an oven, but it was a strange sort of thing Cain would have laughed at. It lay open, with the fire upon a high heap of stones. And on the stones, in a burning fire, lay several lambs, their throats cut.

“What are you doing?” Father Adam cried, rushing up to Abel. He pulled Abel to his feet. “You have slain your best lambs! What--?”

Abel turned his streaming eyes to his father’s bewildered ones, and he said, “Father! Do not be angry with me. I took the firstlings of my flock and gave them back to the Creator, and He spoke to me just before you came to me, approving the slain lambs!”

Why? Why do such a thing? He was wasting his own best lambs! Father Adam couldn’t understand Abel at all, and shook his head.

Abel looked down at his own feet. “I had to do something, Father! We sorely offended the Creator, did we not? He drove us out of his garden with his own men of fire, and so we had to come here to this place in Havilah to abide. I had to speak with Him, and so I thought I would do this thing and see if it would please Him. And, dear Father, it pleased him! He is not angry with us as he was! He told what I had done was reckoned to me and my family as righteousness! He told me he had been waiting for us to come to him and do this thing I did without being told. What is ‘righteousness,’ Father? It must be something good if the Creator values it so much!”

Abel then amazed his father all the more by weeping, his face joyful despite his tears. “My heart is full! My heart is full to bursting, Father! I feel our sins have been taken away! We are forgiven our great wrongs done the the Creator! Oh, let us rejoice! Let us rejoice!”

All such talk of rejoicing flew completely over Adam's troubled head.

Why sacrifice perfectly good lambs, the best of the flock? Adam still could not understand what had happened.

Cain seemed to understand better when Adam his father told his mother and his eldest son. “I can please God too, and even better than he!” Cain declared when they finished speaking, and then he stomped out of Adam’s shelter.

On the same high ground, which Cain was careful to clear completely of Abel’s piled rocks, Cain spread a mat he had asked his mother to weave, for her fingers were good at such weavings. Then on the mat he spread some of his fruits from the ground he cultivated. At first he thought to offer the best fruits he had, but he greatly desired them for himself, and loathed to waste them by giving them up. Would the Creator discern the difference? Cain thought not, since man cultivated plants, not God. After that he waited for God to speak and approve the offering.

Cain heard God speak, though not beginning with words as he did with Abel. The clouds of the firmament grew dark, and a cold wind blew upon the high ground, raising thick dust to the point where Cain was forced to flee back to his shelter. There he sat, sulking, as the message sank into his heart.

“Abel received good words from the Creator. I heard nothing! Nothing! And an evil wind forced me to flee from the offering I made to Him! That what I get for my offering!”

Only then did the Creator speak to Cain, who jumped as if he had sat on a thorn.

God said, “Why are you angry, and why has your face fallen between your knees? If you do well, will you not be accepted too? And if you do not well, sin is lying at your door; it is out after you to enslave you, but you must master it to remain free.”

That was not what Cain wished to hear said to him. Of course, he didn’t like hearing anything from the Creator. He rose up immediately from his chair, for he refused to sit upon the earth like his family. He went straight to Abel. But Abel was gone to his flock, and wouldn’t go walking with him, so Cain returned to his own house, and there he sat, doing absolutely nothing.

It was not like the old Cain, always happy to busy himself to make new things. This Cain sat as if he was not feeling well, and let his garden go. Then one day he went out and tore up his own vines and smashed their fruits! Afterwards, he pulled down one of his beautiful porch pillars and used it to smash the walls. He left the collapsed shelter and fled toward the east, returning only at nightfall, his body filthy with sweat and dust. Even then he did not wash but lay out under the trees, careless of himself. In the morning he let his mother give him some food, but he still did not go and wash and make himself clean. He roamed about, foraging fruit for his food. Like an animal he roamed at night, sleeping during the day under some trees. If ever the Creator spoke to him, Cain clamped his arms around his head and ran off into the thick shrubs and trees, crouching down and trying to shut out the voice until it would stop. He was a tormented creature. Adam and Eve did not know what to do or think.

Sometimes they found him, awake during the day and sitting by himself, his face down toward the ground. “What are your thoughts, son?” his father asked. But his son would spring up and leave him without a word.

Then came the dread day Father Adam later named Day of the Slain Lamb. Cain went to Abel and asked him to go on a walk together, and this time Abel decided he could leave his flock safely. And when they had gone out beyond the river and were in the wide fields where no one could see them, Cain dropped back to following his brother, waiting for the best moment.

When the moment seemed good (when he thought not even the Creator would notice), Cain took his most pointed cutting instrument and then rushing toward Abel drove it deep as he could into his brother’s neck, piercing his throat and causing his blood to flow out. He had done it just as he had dreamed it a hundred times--and it came to pass as he dreamed it. Abel fell down dead at Cain’s feet. Quickly, Cain pulled grass up and covered the body. For a few moments he felt wild joy. Then, thinking of his parents, thinking of the Creator who had the ability to go everywhere, with eyes that saw everything, he began running. He ran until he was out of breath, then slowed to a walk.

He did not get very far--the treetops of the Garden and the home of Father Adam were still visible yet--as he walked eastward away from the garden when the Creator said to him, “Where is Abel your brother?”

Cain jumped, as if he had been struck with a wand of thistles across his naked back. He peered around, his eyes wild, then gave it up. He knew he couldn’t see the Speaker with the voice he could not shut out. Hanging his head, he stood, as if before a hateful judge who would never cease punishing him, not matter how well he did. “I do not know,” he said between gritted teeth. “Am I my brother’s keeper?”

And the Lord said, “What have you done? The voice of your brother’s blood is crying to me from the ground. And now you are cursed from the ground, which has opened its mouth to receive your brother’s blood from your hand. When you till the ground, it shall no longer yield to you its strength; you shall be a fugitive and a wanderer on the earth.”

Cain began to weep and cover his face with his hands, as the terrible words sank into his soul. He cried out to the Creator, “My punishment is more than I can bear! Behold, you have drive me this day away from the ground I till for my livelihood, and from your face too I shall be hidden; and I shall be a fugitive and a wanderer on the earth, and whoever finds me will slay me.”

“How I hate the Creator!” Cain thought. “Why doesn’t he leave me alone! I want him to leave me alone to live in Havilah as I desire! He is always sneaking about, spying on us! Why can’t I do things as I like? Why does he always have to tell us what we can do and not do? He can always see me, but I can’t see him coming in or going out! If I could slay him, I would, but he cannot be reached! Why, how can I ever be happy if he won’t leave me alone?”

Then the Creator replied to the words and, mercifully, not to the hidden thoughts of Cain, “Not so! If anyone slays Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold.”

Cain then felt the most strange sensation, like finger pressed to his forehead, burning hot. It was instantly gone, but Cain cried out in surprise and jumped back. He felt the spot with his fingers, wondering what new, terrible thing the Creator had done to hurt and molest him.

As soon as he found water in a pool, he lay down to see for himself. The mark surprised him very much. He had expected something bad to look at. But, not, this was a beautiful picture—a tree with three branches, with a golden hand reaching down out of the tree to the tiny couple standing beneath it. How perfectly it showed his parents and their old home, the beautiful lost garden! It was unmistakable. Anyone seeing the hand would know what it meant—God had not forgotten them. Neither would the Creator forget Adam’s descendants! Though he did not agree in his heart with God, wanting freedom to do as he pleased much more than he wanted God, he liked the picture, because it was done so well.

Cain looked and looked at the reflected image in the water-mirror. He decided not to veil it or take a burning brand and destroy it. By it his life was preserved from those who might seek to slay him. Who would dare touch him, who had received such a sign imprinted by the Creator himself? Slowly the triform tree relieved his great fears, and they subsided back into his heart where the darkness covered them—the same darkness that had gripped his heart and mind and led him to slay his young brother.

Rising, satisfied that God’s mark would cause any future enemies to think twice about taking his life, no one now would dare slay him for his taking his life, he thought of celebrating. He slew one of his brother’s lambs, roasted it and ate until he felt he was bursting. He did not return to his father’s home, and was fearful that his father might come to him, so he worked quickly. He took some dried fruits and berries in a bag carrying his cutting instruments, and left that place and continued on eastward, choosing to leave the troubling and dangerous presence of the Creator (as Cain saw it) and to dwell in the land of Nod, east of Eden.

As for Adam and Eve his father and mother, they turned for comfort in their hearts to bringing forth more sons as well as daughters, and then to their children’s children. Generations followed, and still they lived, Adam tell and retelling the events of his collected Days because his descendants were always asking about the garden and what happened there. For them life outside the garden was good enough, even though they lost Abel and his brother, Cain the wanderer who was always making things. Adam couldn’t fathom the meaning of Abel’s sacrifice of his finest lambs on the high ground. As for the presence of the Lord, it grew less and less strong in their memory and experience, but Adam’s words kept the memory of it alive at least for their succeeding descendants. Only in his latter days, when he drew close to his end, did his understanding grow clearer, and he repeated, with tears, the words of the Creator to him and his wife back in the days of the garden. At the time it had struck him as more than a series of punishing curses than a blessing, but now he looked beyond to something he seemed to see shining in the distance as he chanted the words of the Creator spoken to the serpent: “I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed; and he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.” At long last the words of God had sunk into his heart, having lain upon his heart all his life till now.

Undeniably, Death, the fruit of his disobedience in the garden, long delayed, with age and infirmity, had finally come to Father Adam. Having been first, he could see it better than most men! His eyes were dimming until he could not read his own sign books anymore and his third-taken wife (beloved Eve, the mother of all life, had died sorrowing over Abel’s death and Cain’s waywardness to the end, and the second had lived and died in turn) had to speak sharply into his deafened ears to remind him of things he had forgotten in the Book of Days he recited, his eyes had seen the ever-growing wickedness that dwelt in man, and how it chained man’s soul. Generation after generation grew worse, with ever more men and women, in their youth, walking away from the Lord and going to live as they pleased. Disobedience, Envy, Murder, Greed, Hatred, Lust, Adultery, Theft, Pride...the forms sin took grew longer and longer every day as he witnessed the ever-lengthening story of his descendants. Their cities seemed to increase in splendor the more wicked the people became and the more they married their daughters to the sons of God why came to beget children on them.

How different was his own habitation, now a city called Eridu, the place of the garden. Here people lived more decently, and had not entirely forgotten God because of all the things Adam told them. None of the people would have anything to do with giving of their daughters to the sons of God in marriage—something that was forbidden by the Creator because it mixed the seed of angels with men and created giants.

But it was one thing to know all these things, and another to believe on God. On the very Day he was passing from this life, old Father Adam received from the Spirit of God that came to him in his gathering darkness, touched him, and Adam’ s heart took hope in the words spoken to the serpent by the Creator God so long before. He reached out to the Creator as his Creator, he believed even as Abel his slain son had long before believed. “Forgive me, O my Creator! And Come, O Seed of Woman!” he cried. “Come and save us from the Serpent’s power! Oh, come soon!”

And the Creator-God heard Adam’s cry. Suddenly, Adam’s dying soul found itself in the garden, facing the Tree of Life he had numerous times passed by, not once eating of its fruit. It had been the only tree he had ever wondered about, how Elohim could have made such a thing and marked it as special, a “tree of life.” No longer were the warrior angels standing, blocking his path with flaming swords. And he took freely and ate. He couldn’t get enough of it, in fact! Even as his vital energies faded and his great heart labored to beat, Everlasting Life poured into his being, in the form of the Promise of a spirit of the Second Adam who could never die!

For Adam, his decision finally made, it was better late than never. But for others, four to ten, some say 100,000 or so years later, and over one hundred and sixty billion descendants of his to come, it would be decision time, individually, that many times.

Even though he saw the many populous lands along and between the rivers both east and west of the lost garden fill with villages and even big towns and cities during his nine centuries of lifetime, Adam could never have imagined those who issued from his loins would increase in numbers like the sands of the sea. Nor could he have dreamed of how exactly and when the Seed of Woman would come, nor when He would return after his resurrection to call His own seed, the Redeemed.

He had seen many things, good and evil. But he had not foreseen all the evil that would be produced by his sin in the garden, nor could he have imagined that man would ever carve stone and wood into various images, and devise beings with silver and gold that they would fall down and worship as gods in place of the Elohim! That continued to amaze him right up to the end of his days on earth, though he knew the Serpent—always covetous of God’s worship--had something to do with it as he continued to beguile and entrap fallen men and women into committing folly after folly.

How else could it be explained that men not just killed one another, as Cain had slain his own brother, but boasted about it? Lamech, the son of Methuselah, for instance, not only married two women, for one was not enough for him, but he killed a young man who had gained the upper hand in a fight. People said to him that he was justified, but Lamech did not stop there. Lamech said to his wives: “Adah and Zillah, hear my voice. You wives of Lamech, pay strict attention to what I say. I have slain a slain a man for wounding me, a young man for striking me. If Cain is avenged sevenfold, truly Lamech seventy-sevenfold!”

Adam, hearing of Lamech’s boast stirred himself. How could his own issue not fear God’s wrath? They were all in great trouble once everyone started speaking like this foolish Lamech, Adam reasoned. What if the Lord should come down and destroy the whole earth? God told him he had done so once before, when the earth’s races grew corrupt and violent. Would he hesitate to do it again if they acted in the same way as the first races acted? So Adam made a long, slow foot-journey to Lamech’s city of Fara (he never could get used to the speed of ox-drawn wagons and horse-drawn chariots, and refused to buy his second, third, and fourth wives such luxuries, after Mother Eve had died).

Father Adam found robbers four times blocking his path from Havilah to Fara in the land of Nod. The first three, hearing who he was, took his gifts he brought for Lamech and his household—bdellium, gold, and onyx washed out in the sands of the river Pison flowing out of the garden—and let him go with their blessing. Only the third had thought he was lying, that he was not Adam until he showed him his belly, which had no navel. The fourth believed he was Father Adam but bore him (and all humankind, it seemed) a bottomless grudge and proved more dangerous. He had dug a pit and only Father Adam’s turning aside at the last moment saved him from falling in, though he did not see it, the pit being covered with sticks and a layer of dirt.

“What, you have no treasure for my trouble in stopping you?” he cried when Father Adam explained his poverty. “You’re lying! Your sly wife or your cunning daughters probably sewed it into your garments.” He then brandished a sword in Father Adam’s face. “Take off that coat and robe! I am not the fool you take me for!” “But my son—“ Adam protested, “If you take my clothes, the nights are cold and I may perish on the way, for I have grown feeble of late.” “Who cares?” the robber jeered, as he began to use the blade edge of his sword to rip through the seams in search of gold or jems. “You’ve lived long enough, farmer, by the looks of that long white beard of yours!” the robber went on. Finally, having cut Father Adam’s coat and robe to shreds without finding a thing of value, the robber gave up. Furiously, he circled Father Adam as if looking for the best place to swing his sword. It was then that he forgot the trap he (a coward, who was afraid to confront well-armed men fighting for their own lives) had dug for catching wayfarers. His foot slipped over the edge, and down he went, head-first, upon the sharp rocks at the bottom. There was a terrible screech. Adam peered down through the hole the man’s body had torn in the earth and saw him lying still, his eyes open, but mouth dribbling blood and his head split open.

After calling to him, and getting no response but several hungry vultures, Father Adam waited for help to come, and when wayfarers came after several hours, he tried to get them to help him get the man out, but none would help him. The pit was deep, and the man was obviously dead and his spirit gone to the dark place of dead souls under the earth. “If the devil had a rope to use, he has hidden it for his own use. But a lot of good it would do him now! Hahaha!” The wayfarers, who were a caravan of merchants carrying women’s woven goods and men’s metal-work and pottery from town to town, went on their way. But a few were impressed to behold mankind’s Father, Adam—someone they had heard about and wanted to hear explain a few things about the garden and what the First Parents had done to make the Almighty so angry with mankind. But Father Adam was not in the mood to tell them his collection of “Days” with their various events. What had happened disturbed him greatly. “Behold,” Father Adam said, “the wicked brings forth iniquity; yes, he conceives trouble and brings forth falsehood. He made a pit and dug it out, and has fallen into the ditch which he made. His trouble shall return upon his own head, and his violent dealing shall come down on his own crown. I will praise the Lord, according to his righteousness, and will sing praise to the name of the Lord.” A sermon was not exactly what the wayfarers wanted to hear, so they left the old man, not even offering to help him with food or clothing as they hastened to get on their way.

Half-naked, penniless, starving, Father Adam reached Lamech’s house. What he found was luxury and vanity, with no fear of God whatsoever. Not only were gemstone-inlaid pillars and a tower being added to the front entrance, but a grand wedding was in progress in the central hall, with much drunkenness and banqueting that had already gone on for days. Not in the mind to frolic with the drunken men and women guests, he reproached Lamech his great-great-great-great grandson, for boasting to his wives of his murdering a young man.

“My son, this is no example to bear before the tender youth of your house,” he said to Lamech, turning to look at the man’s sons who stood watching the whole visit, several of whom were as young as eighty or ninety years of age. “The Creator will not hold his wrath forever, if we keep on like this! To slay a man who offended you, is one thing. To boast of it is to draw vengeance down on all our heads from the Almighty!”

Well, he received only laughter and scorn from Lamech and his wives and children (except one son named Noah) for his attempt. “Oh, but you are woefully out of date, Father Adam!” they cried. “Times have changed! We all do such things nowadays, and who can stop us? An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth! We are free and highly cultured people in this city of Nod, not like you simple country people with your plots of squash and herds of dirty, bawling sheep and goats! Nobody dare tell us what to do! So away with you, old father, before someone does a worse thing to you than God did! Imagine, casting you and your wife from the garden! What had you done anyway to offend him? Eaten fruit of a paltry tree he said you could not eat of? How silly! Why should it matter what you put in your mouth, if it is good and does not poison you? And how dare God tell us what we can do or not do? The earth and its fruits are ours--do we not water and tend and make every tree, herb, and fruitful plant grow? If he does not stop meddling in our affairs, we shall tell him to go back to heaven where he comes from and--”

They said other terrible, foolish things against God, but Father Adam, his ears burning, could not bear more and left their defiling presence as fast as he could make his ancient limbs move. Only one showed remorse, the son called Noah. Taking his arm, he helped Father Adam out of the house and yard, and pressed a few small loaves in his hand. “They’ll help your strength, Father!” Noah said, tears in his eyes as he ducked his head in shame and turned back to his father’s house. In a few days the bread consumed. By this time he was in a sorry state, having no way to sustain his strength for the journey. Nevertheless, God’s eye was upon Father Adam for good, and sent his angels to leave food for him at various stages along his pilgrimage. There was even a robe and cloak, with a thick fleece for sleeping at night.

So Father Adam quit the bustling and prosperous but corrupt land of Nod where so many of his seed now resided, continually building bigger houses and giving their sons and daughters in marriage. He went away, thinking not so much about Lamech and his foolish wives and children but his own first-born. Cain! How many white hairs had his misdeeds had put on Adam’s old head? He had accomplished such mighty things--building cities and beautiful houses and constructing high towers, palaces, defensive walls, forts, canals, water sluices, ships, wagons, chariotry--what couldn’t he do? But a covetous man, envious of Cain’s reputation and attainments, murdered him, who was not afraid of God’s vengeance and the mark God had put on Cain to preserve his life. Then descendants of Cain who felt more loyal to him had pursued the man and slain him in turn, with all his family! Would the bloodletting never cease on the earth. It was, to Adam’s eyes, a scene of continual violence and killing, despite all the wonderful things men were building on the earth.

Truly, Adam had not foreseen any of this. Least of all could he have envisoned any such souls such as Heloise Turnbull, grown a giant, a virtual titaness, in the evangelical Christian soul-saving industry. This daughter of Mother Eve was making great strides to save and incorporate millions into her world-wide ministry when the Seed of Woman came like a thief in the night, completely upsetting her agenda.


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