Or, "Whatever Happened to America, Britain, France, Holland, Zimbabwe, Argentina, Sri Lanka, China, Jamaica, the Maldives, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Egypt, and Every Nation Before or Since

Chronology, Tables, and Notes

The chronology and table should give the reader some appreciation for the complexity and difficulty involved in dating events in Earth I and Earth II.

We do not wish to follow the example of the itinerant monk who chapterized the Vulgate. He is said to have accomplished it on a precarious and rocking mule's back while travelling to Rome! Handel at least composed his magnum opus of music, the MESSIAH, while walking on his own two feet! But after struggling with this material, we no longer stand ready to condemn the monk. Rather, we must commend him for what he did accomplish in such difficult circumstances--and, we need acknowledge, few of us are fortunate enough to be able to choose favorable circumstances for our work.

To achieve reasonable order, while keeping the alternate Earth’s events separate and yet parallel for purposes of understanding, we chose to utilize Earth's familiar solar year and system of accounting for years, months, days, and hours. The second Earth’s system differs substantially from Earth's, of course, but in this way we can see just how it is different.

A few things might be kept in mind before going to the chronology and the first table. After ANNO 2170, Earth II’s year is primarily lunar, not solar. With a faster rotation (17.2 hours compared with Earth's 24), Earth II’s day is something over 17 hours long (more to be said later about this). With a "shorter day," the face of the clock, naturally, should tally, with either a ninth or eighth hour at the top in place of our twelfth hour. Since fewer hours in a day would, seemingly make the days, months, and years go that much faster, you would think (if you did not think too deeply about it) that Earth II people would get that much more done and far surpass Earth's historical achievements. Alas, not so. The truth is Earth II lagged in most significant ways, and it had nothing really to do with the shorter day (which, it must be said, did not seem short to them, since it was all they knew or could remember). Though by appearance Earth II has leaped far, far ahead of Earth, the truth is that it was mainly appearance. There we have already tried to point out above.

The Earth II day presents a special problem of finer complexity. After the move to 3C 295, but before the birth of a new sun, although the day held seventeen hours, the number was not fixed geologically, and as it was moving it increases slightly each century. Over a period of thousands of years it would increase to eighteen hours. There is no reason to assume it would not have continued to increase in length until it equalled Earth's twenty four hour day. We have taken the liberty of fixing the Earth II clock on a basis of the seventeen hour day, as to start with seventeen hours and then change it more than several times to be accurate would hopelessly complicate our accounting. Perhaps some Cray researcher with computer time on his hands would like to fine tune the adjustments needed to account for the gradual lengthening of the day on Earth II after her re-location to 3C 295. Then a precise date could be assigned, for example, to the momentous filming of the Hitchcock film (let the reader be forewarned, we mean the SECOND such filming in Earth II history, which would take place in a repeated future somewhere beyond ANNO 6,000.). The refilming is of note because it will record General Busboom-Touissant’s image--proof, if ever needed, that Holland America II existed.

But the world, and the Wargame, could not wait for a second Hitchcock to be born in some indefinite future time. Wally, the “non-tethered” programming unit Dr. Pikkard installed in the game, worked hard to conclude the game in ANNO 5931, the termination year decided upon by the subfile-programmer, Pikkard. Not long after the termination date, Lord Joseph, Vizier or Chancellor of Mizraim (Egypt) arrived to remove the sculptured heads of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Roosevelt, and Bosboom-Touissant and convey them to his Pharoah’s riverine sculpture-park. Just as the world had gone to Egypt in past aeons, transporting its obelisks and statuary to New York City, Constantinople, Rome, and other cities, its successor thought nothing of doing the same to the curious, foreign artifacts of its own time. While Joseph is doing the first cutting of the rock, Wally (who survived the seepage in his Atka Island sanctuary) observes the operation.

Now what about names for days and months? Fortunately, very early on, Earth II observed a solar year. Later, when the sun began to fail, it observed the phases of its moon and recognized the existence of the "day" and that about twenty five or thirty of them composed a "month." Unfortunately, Earth II calendarians came up with no universally accepted nomenclature. For a brief time, in the Crystal Age, nomenclature was standardized, but like so many of its programs it was so hated and despised that the breakup of the World Union threw the system into the dustbin. Days and months, after that, were called anything people wanted to call them, or they called them nothing at all and just lived innocent of them, content to deal only with seasons--Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, or Dry Season, Wet Season.

The ill-starred, neo-Dutch revival in New Holland (comprising much of the former U.S.A.) brought back the Gregorian calendar with some lunar adaptations. Later, after the planetary re-location and a revival of civilization on a revived Atlantis, the neo-Romans devised a Roman-styled calendar and imposed it on everyone else.

That did not prevent provinces from following, unofficially, their own local calendars, such as the Jewish calendar in Judaea. The neo-Roman calendar eventually fell into disuse due to the confusion of the language that stopped the second Rome in its tracks.

By the time of the second Joseph, the super powers of the day used their own dating systems and names, independent of each other. In Joseph's Mizraim, events were dated according to the number of years that had transpired in the reign of a particular king--"Third Year of the King Khian," for example. That had been the ancient mode used in Egypt on Earth as well.

In the neo-Dutch era, well before Joseph II’s time, it would be arbitrary beyond cause to assign names to the days and months by choosing among those in use. Consequently, considering all these factors, we have fallen back on our own system on Earth, employing Western Civilization's highly eclectic nomenclature, the Old English Anglo-Norse names for days of the week--Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. We have a problem with the remaining sixth and final day of Earth II’s week. Saturday and Sunday are Old English Anglo-Roman. The day of the Sabbath, recognized on Earth II in certain societies, is necessarily an important day for the people, and they have logically called it "Moon Day," or simply “Moonday.” So, changing our Monday to Moon Day, we eliminate the name of Sunday, which cannot exist on Earth II again until ANNO 5391 in Joseph II’s time.

Assigning names to the days was a simple, straight-forward affair compared to dealing with months. We are so accustomed to our humdrum, prosaic twelve months and their names, it is hard to believe that someplace in an alternate Universe, on a planet like ours, the months of the year are nothing like what we would imagine. The first month of our calendar in the West is a nice, old fellow named "January" or, in Latin, as he is an Italian, an ancient Roman by the cognomen of "Janus." Janus was the two-faced god of the Romans who ushered in the new year. "Ianua" was door, and traffic can go two ways, both in and out of any door. So he could look two directions at once. Quite too like a bridge which runs two directions at once, Janus could see what had been and also take the first look at what was to be. Admirably suited to his role in the calendar year on Earth, you would expect the Usher of the new year to survive on Earth II in much the same character and function. Not so! In the Stone of Fire chronicles we have used Earth's January.

All the preceding naming of days and months is tearless when compared to the next and major problem. We truly wish we did not have to mention it at all. The Earth II six day week, for a time, or at least during the neo-Dutch era and up to the new solar year in Joseph II’s time, has an "invisible" seventh day.

After all, Earth II, when still affixed to its old solar orbit in the Milky Way Galaxy, once had seven days to the week, fixed upon when its moon took about seven days to go from one phase of the moon to another. After re-location to the galactic cluster of 3C 295 and the acquisition of a different, faster moon, the memory of that seventh day still haunted the planet.

Even if it no longer existed, something had to be done to account for it so that people could sleep at night.

Hours were therefore "stolen" from the days, at least mentally, and when lumped together a seventh day was thereby brought into something like virtual reality. It was a most strange and impractical ruse, but calendars are generally strange and impractical contrivances.

Time, so mangled on Earth II, was thought to be more fluid or claylike than we think it on Earth. If they wanted to borrow some hours from, say, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, to create a hypothetical day, well, they saw no real problem with it. They let their astronomers and scientific folk tear out their hair over the "invisible, seventh day" stuck into the middle of the week. We have called this non-existent day Wednesday II, so that during the neo-Dutch era the week commences, starting with Wednesday II: Wednesday II, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Moonday, Tuesday, Wednesday I. Wednesday II was commonly observed as a holiday, often attended by much practical joking, and so it was also called Fool's Day or All Clowns' Day. Practical jokers would dressed up as clowns so that they could hope to escape recognition by their victims.

Earth II’s Saturday, by the way, should really bear the proper Earth II name, "Dramgoole," designating a popular ogre that hid by public roads and liked to waylay passers-by, but we could not bear that and used an Ango-Roman term from Earth for the planet Saturn, which celestrial body Earth II people had never seen since the removal of the planet to 3C 295.

Thus, Dramgoole alone should give you some indication of the crude aspect of Earth II nomenclature we have tried to avoid in preferring our own archaic but more picturesque names from the Old English lexicon.

Earth II, like Earth, also marshalled for the use of society a thousand or more calendars and systems of time accounting. To simplify or at least make things recognizable, we have superimposed the better-known of our Earth's: the universally recognized Judaeo-Christian, or Gregorian, though revised in past centuries to account for certain discrepancies that seem to afflict even the best calendars. Thus, for the Chronology but not the narrative of the Chronicles, we have retained such common notations as "B.C," "before Christ," and "A.D," Latin "anno Domine," or "year of our Lord."

Lastly, some comment on the “plague” that played such havoc with Earth II society and development down the ages. Hit by an unexplained pandemic in ANNO 2170, Earth II lost billions of its population within a few weeks (surely, the greatest tragedy of human record). In fact, it lost all its billions and was down to mere millions. The "plague" wasn’t what it seemed. This was no mere bacillus; in fact, it was not bacterial or even viral; it was something far more queer and has more in common with a thrown stone or a catastrophic meteorite from space than anything organic. It attacked technology.

It also resurrected more primitive cultures. Could anything be more queer than that? Diseases have traditionally been known to be pathogenic. Yet this pandemic could think for itself, apparently, and at first attacks selected targets--certain ships, earth-orbiting installations, etc.

It did not like human beings particularly and eliminates transporation, communications, and the means to feed huge populations. In that way it tended to eradicate them on contact. But it did so in a specialized way.

It ignored the whole defensive, military sector, which is programmed for human enemies, and attacked the infrastructure of organized human society just as pathogens attack the central immunological system of the human body, paralyzing the inner defenses of the individual and ultimately killing him. The pandemic of 2170 was also different in kind compared to the Black Death or Bubonic Plague since it used human fear, dread, and terror to induce the paralyzing trauma or syndrome that destroys the victim. With a vaccine that can only postpone the inevitable, what is left of humanity stumbled onward, but it is not onward but actually backward.

With low life expectancy, low birthrates, and high mortality, the days of the demoralized human race on Earth II were surely numbered.

And when progress cannot be made or sustained, the inevitable happens.

Earth II’s economy and society slid backwards, and nobody could stop the fatal plunge into the Dark Ages. Soon there was no resistance (or any knowledge by an educated community) concerning the "disease".

As already noted, the mysterious disease struck down and shattered the sophisticated 22nd Century civilization of Dr. Chillingsworth. The few people that survived not could maintain a technological system based on computers, and conditions quickly reverted to the 1940's and 1930's and earlier eras. Meanwhile, a radical reforestation and growth of glaciers transformed geography.

Further slippage, and 19th Century-era steamships carried the world's remaining commerce about the last ice-free zones.

But cultural and technological "back-sliding" continued and by the 25th Century civilized society and organized industry on Earth II had all but vanished.

Eventually, after planetary re-location, order was superimposed on barbarism in re-emerging human civilization. An iron-fisted Roman-style empire rose on the renascent continent of Atlantis to conquer and oppress the world, but its rulers were predictably corrupt and cruel and the world empire collapsed.

The concluding chronicles depict the return to an even earlier era, again on Atlantis, and an Egyptian-styled civilization which erected pyramids and colossal stone temples in the valley of its great river.

World powers by abuse of their powers precipitated a crisis, a crossroads of history, in which humankind can continue to go downward to the tar pits or take a road to a different destiny altogether. Just as his twin had done thousands of years previously, Joseph II, stolen from his father and brought to the leading Empire of Mizraim as a slave, struggled to the top of the social pyramid where he was appointed "Father" to the Pharoah, a Grand Taty. A unique individual, he was something a world in crisis must have to survive its own social evils.

As he was handed the reins of supreme world power, Joseph II faced the temptations his predecessors faced. He could have virtually anything in the world. He could become a monster of sensuality, like the Pharoah (called “Per-aa” on Earth II), Senserene Khian. He could become a tyrant like the infamous Roman emperor, Tiberius, or the Founder of Rome II, Julius (Coxie) Caesar.

His choice was based on his own character, which he brought with him to the highest position--other than the Pharoah's--in the land.

Unaware that he was about to witness the igniting of a new sun, Joseph resisted the blandishments and temptations that came with his high office; for him and humanity it is a fateful choice. Earth II’s development was fundamentally affected; the perpetrator of the “disease” that had afflicted Earth II for millenia, found the ball thrown in its own court.

An event not chronicled but a part of Earth II’s subsequent history, Joseph II conducted an expedition of many ships and men for the Pharoah, supposedly to the fabled "Punt," thought to be the Horn of Africa in our Earth's history. What had been known as the Upper Midwest of North America had a very different climate in the 60th Century.

Due to a splitting of the continent and the influx of the Gulf of Mexico, it was subtropical. Lord Joseph has been sent to bring back ivory, concubines, gold, spices, exotic plants and animals, a pygmy “Deng” or two--the usual cravings of a sensualist who spent all his days in his harems.

Joseph and his expedition disembarked in the Black Hills of what had been, thousands of years before, dry, pine-forested mountains of "South Dakota," and thousands of years before that, sub-tropical swamps and shallow seas. He encountered huge faces carved on a mountain and does the thing his adopted culture did best--that is, he transported the best preserved of the monoliths back to Atlantis. Unanticipated by Wally the Cray computer in the Wargame, Dr. Pikkard's hoped for climax, in which humanity might seize the main chance, was realized in Joseph’s choice not to accept his wife’s throne-right by which he could have become the Pharoah instead of the Hyksos Usurper. The aim of all Pikkard’s strategical genius had been to expose, resist, and defeat the great, hostile power of the Universe that had wreaked so much woe to Earth II. Not only the Wargame but Earth II’s destiny is sealed forever as Joseph II made his decision concerning Asenath’s proposal. Earth II’s Armegeddon is fought to a conclusion, and a solar phenomenon takes place. The Star Cloud gave birth to something never seen before by Joseph and the people of his generation.

Dr. Pikkard, however, left no indication that he ever thought there might be more than one OP. It so happened that when the first OP was removed from Earth II’s gameboard, another Stone of Fire invaded, followed by eight others in turn. Fortunately, there was faithful Wally, a Pikkardian achievement, to stand in the gap as best the Cray could. Also, the “Forbidden Category” continued to intervene where Wally was not designed to operate.


We feel it is vital to begin the body of the Chronology with the event that truly started the drama of Earth II, the loss of a chief continent and civilization that occurred on both planets. Though generally but not entirely forgotten, though treated mostly but not entirely as a fiction, this event shapes everything in the future to come. Even supposing it never happened, it retains claim to being the greatest non-event of the human experience (the subject has enough books written to fill an entire library).

Then, so as not to weary the reader's eyes, we shall leap forward in time to Earth's 22nd Century A.D., and make that our starting point of comparison. We decided there is no reason to repeat for Earth II what it shares as parallel events with Earth. Such events were mentioned already in the Chronicles.

These and other considerations aside, it is hoped the reader caught in the reading of the chronicles themselves the ever-growing excitement we cannot help feeling when viewing a drama from the vantage of Earth as a twin to ours was swept up in a war not of its own choosing.

Now first some important events:

1. Sinking of White Star Liner, Call Letters “MGY,” and Destruction of Mary Celeste Avenger

2. Fall of Earth II’s World Civilization by plague of unknown nature and origin

3. Dutch commonwealth in America; social decline; Dr. Pikkard’s research papers; sale and crash of the Kosmocraft; voyage of the New Atlantis dirigible; final programming of the Wargame in a Cray computer network

4. Second major outbreak of plague; social and economic decline; struggle over Dr. Pikkard’s papers; the hydrogen bombing of Buenos Aires, Capital of South America; loss of Outer and Inner Planets of Solar System; attack of Oort Cloud comets.

5. Re-location of Planet to 3C 295

6. Repopulation and resettlement of Earth II

7. Society reorganized by Op (Opposing Player)

8. Neo-Rome Falls

9. Joseph II's rise to power in Mizraim (another Op-organized civilization)

10. Star Cloud births a solar phenomenon

11. Transfer of OP, Serpens Sardius, and its Stone of Fire to the next gameboard

Table A

A Parallel Timeline

Earth-Earth II

9500 B.C. Atlantis destroyed on twin worlds

Earth II


2100 A.D.

300 B.C.

Alexander dies in Babylon 323 B.C.

2170: Pandemic and World Civilization Collapse; (by typhoid mosquito, or poison, Galactic Starship ARGO II Launched Into Black Hole or hyperactivity, but he dies and Trajectory; “Red Dog” Gemstone Found on East Coast, his empire is divided by his chief No. America generals

2200 A.D.

200 B.C.

Emergence of Holland America, Archimedes, Greek mathematician Neo-Aztekan Empire, and and Inventor, Invented Archimedes' Decline of Europe, Asia, Africa; Sieve for Primes; Invented Archimedes’s Anglo-Dutch Wars in America Screw, a machine for raising water and draining low grounds, much used in Egypt and Holland; Died 212 in Roman conquest of Syracuse, Sicily.

2300 A.D.

100 B.C.

World Dysgenics researches and writing of De Casibus Perplexis II by Dr. Pikkard; Cray supercomputer network found by Dr. Pikkard and his strategy for the Wargame is implemented by Anne de Kilpaison, his niece

2400 A.D.

Birth of Christ 4 B.C.-1 A.D.

A second plague, pathogenic, attacks humanity; North America’s Holland America and Aztekan Empire abandoned; Rise of South American society; OP destroys Outer Planets, then Inner Planets and Earth is encircled; Buenos Aires undergoes revolution and is hydrogen-bombed; Oort Cloud Cometary attack begins; Wally leads new recruits; Wally warns humanity to get ready for re-location; Wally ignites hidden quark engines and Earth II is moved to a Galactic Cluster, 3C 295.

2500 A.D. 100 A.D.

Quarkship Fleet headed by ARGO II survives Black Hole and colonizes a planet in Alpha Centauri.

2600 A.D.

200 A.D.

Atlantis colonized by humanity.

2700 A.D.

300 A.D.

OP prepares ground-work for the New Rome, Constantinople, founded by “Final Solution” for the Universe Emperor Constantine in and made capital of the Roman Empire in 330

2800 A.D. 400 A.D.

Humanity slowly rebuilds society and Old Rome Sacked 410 by Visigoths repopulates Earth II. Fall of Western Roman Empire in 476

2900 A.D. 500 A.D.

3000 A.D. 600 A.D.

3100 A.D. 700 A.D.

3200 A.D. 800 A.D.

3300 A.D. 900 A.D.

3400 A.D. 1000 A.D.

3500 A.D. 1100 A.D.

3600 A.D. 1200 A.D.

1204 A.D., Fourth Crusade and Enrico Dandolo, Doge of Venice, Sacked Constantinople and Ended Greek Byzantine Empire;

1200 A.D.-1572 A.D.,

Beginning and End of Inca Empire Called “Four Quarters of the World” (see Table B) 3700 A.D. 1300 A.D.

3800 A.D. 1400 A.D.

Constantinople, Capital of Rump Greek Byzantine Empire, Falls To Ottoman Turks, “Black Tuesday,” 1453 3900 A.D.

1500 A.D

4000 A.D.

1600 A.D. Rise of Rome II; attempted re-crucifixion Father Maryn Mersenne, Discoverer of the Messiah; Rome II collapses of Mersenne Primes, Died 1648 4100 A.D.

1700 A.D.

4200 A.D.

1800 A.D. Rise of Op-organized Mizraim and Babelen

4300 A.D.

1900 A.D. Discovery of NY Time Capsules; Alfred Joseph Hitchcock Films transferred to Mizraim; rise of Assyria and Espionage Spy Thriller Keftiu

Featuring Mt. Rushmore Memorial in NORTH BY NORTHWEST 1958; Ipu’s Letters forwarded from Earth II to Jonathan Harrison Thompkins, NYC, Earth; other documents for- warded to him; STONE OF FIRE Chronicles published

4400 A.D.

2000 A.D. Rise of Mitanni and Hatti Arrival of the Sardius Serpens at new gameboard

4500 A.D.

2100 A.D.

4600 A.D.

2200 A.D.

4700 A.D.

2300 A.D.

4800 A.D. 2400 A.D. Growth of empires and trade

4900 A.D.

2500 A.D. O

P moves Galactic Superclusters after gutting the Local Supercluster and the rest of the Inner Universe.

5000 A.D.

2600 A.D.

5100 A.D.

2700 A.D.

5200 A.D.

2800 A.D.

5300 A.D.

2900 A.D.

5400 A.D.

3000 A.D.

5500 A.D.

3100 A.D.

5600 A.D.

3200 A.D.

od of Hebrews establishes Patriarchal Line With Covenant Promise given to Abram of Ura, an Aramaean; the clan moves to Ken’an, Promised to the Hebrews in the Covenant

5700 A.D.

3300 A.D. 5800 A.D.

3400 A.D.

5900 A.D.

3500 A.D.

Joseph the Favorite of Patriarch Jacob thrown in a pit, then sold into slavery in Mizraim; Babelen judged and sacked by Mursilis of Hatti; Keftiu judged and destroyed by earthquake; OP destroys A5665, A2615, A2232, A1514, A245 of the Galactic Clusters and Superclusters; Princess Asenath “interviews” the “Forbidden vases”; Temptation of Joseph by Potiphar’s wife; Joseph II’s release from prison after interpreting the per’aa’s dreams; his promotion to Grand Taty (or Lord Chancellor of the country); Joseph awarded Imhotep’s Ring; Temptation by his wife Asenath; Final Attack of Op on Joseph and also the Star Cloud; a Solar Phenomenon; Op seeks to explode it with a supernova; probe from Earth’s 21st Century intercepts Op.

Table B.

A second Stone of Fire arrived on Earth II’s gameboard; and yet others followed (see the second timeline). One, the Topaz, remains an Opposing Player from the 61st Century to the rise of Homer Bean of the 103rd Century.

Some major events are:

1. The end of backward decline and a forward turn in world events; arrival of subsequent Stones of Fire; invasion of the arthropod species of Algol and three monsters, the Gorgons; the Algol vie for control of Atlantis and the planet. 2. Colonization by the Algol; emergence of mutant human champions and attack on the Algol; dark ages on Earth II; the end of the dark ages and re-growth of civilization. 3. Arrival of other Stones of Fire and the rise of human champions to combat them. 4. Wally’s retirement to a virtual reality game-quest: “Quest of the Arkstone.”

We regret the lack of information at his printing necessary to pinpoint all dates; for example, on Earth the Hitchcock thriller was filmed in 1958 and released July 17, 1959, but no dates are available for the second filming that took place on Earth II some time after the era of Joseph II as history returned to forward linearity. It was sometime during the middle part of the second 20th Century.

Incidentally, readers who wonder if the second Hitchcock would be known by that distinctive name might know that probability would favor a part Latinized name--”Don Alfredo Hitchcock,” for example. The reason is that from the first to the second we should expect some change in racial and linguistic composition as well after so many millenia have passed between them. The first of these cinematic geniuses, Alfred Joseph Hitchcock, was Cockney, his Irish father a London fish-monger and greengrocer. It would be interesting to see him return as a Spaniard, or Hispanic, and perhaps even a trifle Gypsy?

But why is he important enough to rate a second appearance? His profile will even ascend one day into Earth II’s heavens as a constellation, “The Fat Man and the Lunch Basket.” Though it’s anyone’s guess, we would suggest that life should not have to be explained in every aspect; it just is. Object lessons often abound, but sometimes life is just meant to be amusing or droll.


Joseph II dies at age 110, is embalmed and put in a golden casket for later burial near Shechem, Ken’an; arrival of the second Stone of Fire, the Topaz


Hyksos thrown out of Mizraim; the Per-aa reigns from Ibbatha and begins to treat the Hebrews with suspicion, particularly since they continue to grow greatly in numbers.


Moses II confronts the Per-aa of Mizraim oppressing the Hebrew people; plagues, deliverance, and flight of the Hebrews from Mizraim; after forty years they cross the Jordan River and cross over into Ken’an, the Promised Land


The Hebrew Israelite tribes are led and ruled by Judges, which are men (sometimes a woman) who are combined prophet-priest-king-army commander.




Arrival of third Stone of Fire, the Beryl, and Debora the Judge and Prophetess fights the combined armies of Hazor and its allies; Arrival of the fourth Stone, the Diamond, and Ruth the Moabitess


Arrival of the fifth Stone of Fire, the Onyx, and Hanna the mother of Samuel the Judge and Prophet


King Elhanan, “David,” reigns; decline and division of Israel



Arrival of the sixth Stone of Fire, the Jasper; Jona the Prophet is sent to judge Nineveh, capital of Assyrian Empire; Assyria repents for a generation

7100 Further decline; Israelites forsake El Elyon and turn to Ken’anite fertility gods; Assyria attacks the Northern Kingdom of Israel and carries off its people as captives.


Assyria attacked by combined armies of Babelen and Media and destroyed.



Divided and bickering, no longer united by the Covenant, Judah and Benjamin, the Southern Kingdom, are easy prey; foreign armies invade and oppress the people


Arrival of the seventh Stone of Fire, Gold; A revived Babelen attacks Judah and carries off noble youths from Jerusalem, among them Daniel; decline continues, as people again fall away from the Most High God, God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; enemy forces repeatedly invade and oppress the people; Judah falls to Babelite army and Jerusalem and its Temple are destroyed; the people are taken to Babelen as exiles for 70 years The Jews are allowed to return to Judah and rebuild the Temple and the country; Babelen conquered by the Medes and Persians






Macedonian leader, Iskander II, conquers Persia, Ken’an, Mizraim, and on his deathbed bequeaths his world-state to the “Algol” in a secret testament




Arrival of the eighth Stone of Fire, the Sapphire; Algol colonization of Earth II; Dark Ages for humanity


East/West Rom (Gypsy) empires serve as client states to the Algol; rise of mutant human champions

8500 A

ttack by mutant humans on the Algol; collapse of the East/West Romanies


Slow recovery by Humanity from the Dark Ages






End of Dark Ages and regrowth of civilization











10,200 Rise of Homer Bean and his journey to Atlantis 10,300

Arrival of the ninth Stone of Fire, the Emerald; rise of Quinn Ceylon the Bluebird


rrival of the tenth Stone of Fire, the Carbuncle; Wally’s retirement to a virtual reality game, “Quest of the Arkstone”

Table C

An Object Lesson (Vol. I-II)

c. 1200 A.D. Inca tribes settle Cuzco Valley in Andes, mountains of western South America; Royal Inca dynasty begins with Manco Capac, a chieftain

c. 1200-1400 Inca rulers conduct raids on neighboring tribes c. 1400-1438 Reign of Viracocha Inca; Viracocha Inca's son, Pachacuti, defeats powerful rival tribe; Incas now are supreme in region

1438-1471 Reign of Pachacuti Inca; city of Cuzco rebuilt; empire expands militarily, southeast to Lake Titicaca, northwards to Quito, westwards to the Pacific coast

1471-1527 Consolidation of empire called “Four Quarters of the World” to 35 degrees South of Equator and to Ecuadorian highlands in the North

1527-1532 Throne awarded to a grandson Huascar;

Crown Prince Atahualpa (a nephew)

There was no real progress morally, spiritually, and mentally in Earth II society that is commensurate with the eras and centuries listed. The sophisticates of the 22nd Century were, in truth, far more backward in character, vitality, and mental agility than people who lived in the Patriarchal Age thousands of years previous to the Crystal Age. If it had been otherwise, OP might never have found a wide open door to their world.

Earth II “gained” 2,500 years in 12,000 Earth years, if we figure on a 17-hour Earth II day set arbitrarily within the context of an Earth solar year. That means approximately 208 years were "gained" on Earth II each millenium. Over a period of thousands of years, major events on the Twins increasingly diverged and lost synchronization, until some events eventually transpire hundreds and even thousands of years apart. This process is best seen in the table. But that is superficial frosting on the cake and even beside the point. The reality was much more serious.

Atahualpa goes to Quito to raise an army; civil war between Inca half-brothers, epidemic breaks out; Conquistadores land; Huascar and Atahualpa fight for throne; Huascar captured by Atahualpa's generals and made to eat excrement before his entire household is killed before his eyes.

1532 In shouting distance of his huge army, Atahualpa is outwitted and captured by Pizarro and Spanish Conquistadores and held under house arrest after the Inca’s army is routed by 100 Spaniards.

1533 Huascar assassinated on Atahualpa's orders; Atahualpa renamed “Francisco” and promptly executed by his namesake, Francisco Pizarro.

1533-1572 Spanish conquest of Inca Empire; the great empire with its unique social organization and unrivaled straw-rope bridges and mountain road system, highest in world, decays. The people starve, die from disease and brutal treatment, and are enslaved and forced to work for foreigners.

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