“Y E A R



M E T A M O R P H”

Birth of the Great Sea

The “Sea in the Middle of the Earth,” or the Mediterranean, was once called the Great Sea by the ancient Phoenicians of Tyre and Sidon, the Carthaginians (who were also Phoenicians, but living in Africa and not on the eastern coast), and the others sea-peoples who made their living from the ships they sent out upon its waters to all points of the world. Much later, the Romans, and followed by the Byzantines and Venetians and all the other Italian sea powers would come along and take over their trade-fueled empires. These civilizations would have been impossible except for the Great Sea. It was the perfect venue for sea-going nations—a broad highway of water that connected everything worth seeing and doing business with.

But who could have foreseen this but the Almighty One, the Creator of the Universes with all their stars and planets? Before the continents were split, all land was one mass. Thus it was in the time of the Garden of Eden, and so it had to be after the Garden and after the expulsion of the First Man and First Woman, Adam and Eve, that the Great Sea was made—for the great salt deposits tell the story that once the sea existed, then once it did not. Then we see it again, the present sea. What had happened to the first sea? What made the second sea?

The Twin Earths shared the same processes, so there were two of most everything, since they were very nearly identical, at least in the beginning stages. So Earth I and Earth II are being spoken of here. Earth II, however, diverged far enough as time went on that there arose a third Great Sea, in the time when Atlantis the Second was raised from the sea bottom. But this is getting ahead of the story of the second Great Sea.

At some time we cannot know the first Great Sea was drained of all its waters. The remainder dried up into salt deposits over a mile deep in places. Anyone viewing its vast crevasses and mountainous sea bottom would have been dazzled, even blinded, by the salt formations that covered every bit of the rock. It was one white world composed, it seemed, entirely of salt. It was intensely hot too. Up above on the rim there were forests and luxuriant scenes of waterfalls and mossy glens and pools and even lakes and rivers. But in the bed of the Great Sea lay only salt, making it an immense valley of death. Any water that escaped from the upper world and ran into the canyons below soon dried or fell into the hot depths where it soon evaporated into yet more salt.

Now this was not the intention of the Creator as originally planned. Lucifer, the rebel cherub had gone to war in heaven, been cast out, and had brought rebellion and destruction with him to Earth. Once restored, the Earth was not, however, the same. There remained much land like this great salt wasteland that had once been a beautiful, glittering blue sea in the middle of the Earth. When would it be restored along with the other areas which had been so beautiful before Lucifer’s rampages?

It so happened that the Almighty was waiting for the right moment, when He would send His mighty servant to do the job of opening the flood-gates to replenish the Great Sea.

At some time before the Garden in Eden was created, and perhaps after the continents were divided from the original mother continent, the right moment arrived.

Small but very colorful, a creature that was mostly wings, the metamorph, alighted on the eastern rim of the narrow land bridge that separated the dry salt bed of the Great Sea from the surrounding world ocean. Its wings were much larger than its body, and it could fly most anywhere except against the strongest sea breezes, so that is why it sought shelter on the eastern side where the forest was most thick. Here it could stop and pause for a drink of water and rest before resuming its flight.

The tiny pool of water was no bigger than a man’s hand, but that was many times more than sufficient to slake the metamorph’s thirst. Also, the salt in the water from the Great Sea, thrown up by the tornado-like winds that swept across its basin periodically, was delicious and healthful to the butterfly. It needed salt or it could not live and reproduce its kind.

Now this flier was not like flies, for it was birthed a second time, from a cocoon or chrysalis in which it underwent a complete transformation, a metamorphosis, from what it had been previously—a vigorously growing and eating worm. Appropriately, it was the Creator’s appointed servant to open the floodgates for the second Great Sea.

In fanning the bit of ground where it alighted, the creature displaced some salt and sand crystals. The metamorph drank of the little water that seeped between the particles from the little pool. Taking its fill, the metamorph rested, its feet standing cool in the tiny quantity of water that now seeped from the pool. Rested, the butterfly lifted off the ground, fluttered its wings and flew off into the forest, heading south in the area east and south of what would be called Eden. There, millions of its kind congregated, and it sought company after its long travels with other millions down the land bridge to what would be called Africa.

In doing this the butterfly, for that was the name to be given to this remarkable, second-birthed flier, had no idea what it had accomplished. Great things can come from small things, indeed.

For the little seepage of water, provoked by the metamorph’s landing, increased just enough, so that in the next misting of the area from waters rising from the ground, the channel deepened with more water. The channel, tiny as it was, increased to become a rivulet, then a brook. The brook also increased as rivulets ran into it.

But on the western side, all this on the eastern side would have been to no avail if the weather called up by the Creator had not been working to join the channel of the new stream. The land bridge was nearly breached at this point, in fact, by a long channel cut by the waters that surged back and forth. Each time the waves rolled in, they were wedged by the masses of rock in such a way that they created more force and power to the water, making it strike so hard at the rock that it wore it away, wave by wave and piece by piece. This had already gone on for a long, long time.

Simultaneously, the two channels, one made by the surging ocean breakers, the other initiated by a metamorph, came together and an ounce or so of sea water flew into the channel of the brook and was carried toward the Great Sea. Then a high wave broke over.

Then two waves broke over. The brook was flooded, and its banks were pushed back, enlarging the stream. Eventually, the lower eastern rim could not stop any of the incoming water.

It began to give way in bigger and bigger pieces as the roots of the trees gave up hold on the land and were toppled and swept away. The waters of the surrounding World Ocean began to pour, like a small river at first, then faster and greater.

Cascading down into the Great Sea basin, the waters could not be stopped or evaporated, and a lake began to form at the bottom and spread around the fantastic columns of sea salt that rose hundreds of feet in the air and extended for hundreds of miles in every direction.

The land bridge began breaking up as more and more ocean pressed into the channel. As the waters cascaded over the eastern rim, they suddenly carried all the rim with its tangled masses of logs and fallen trees and silt over with them, and suddenly the World Ocean woke up, as it were, with a tremendous roaring sound. It was like a mighty lion springing from its den.

For miles the eastern rim was swept away and the ocean, undyked, freely poured down into the Great Sea basin. The waterfall was so gigantic that its mist rose to the heavens, creating rainbow after rainbow, stacked one above the other.

For days, weeks, and months the waters poured through the gap, inundating the Great Sea’s bed after first dropping all the trees from the eastern land bridge, which fell in a mountain-high mass at the bottom and remained there to the present day, perfectly preserved and containing enough lumber to build houses and ships for all the men who would ever live upon the earth for thousands of years to come.

In the bed of the sea the waters covered everything and then mounted the dry crystal walls. Many mountains were covered up. Many others, too high for the waters to cover, became islands. Some long mountain chains became peninsulas. Everywhere there was colossal change.

The lower elevation mountains sank into the depths of the sea as white crystal mountains, while others rose above, to lose their crystal salt deposits eventually to the waters falling in heavy rain-like mist over everything.

Eventually, the level of the Great Sea equaled that of the World Ocean, and the waters lay quiet. By then there was a new-looking world around the Great Sea. It was ready for the first maritime peoples and the creation of the world empires that would in turn be conquered and ruled by Roma, the iron-fisted queen of the Great Sea. This would be the time when the Messiah, the Son of the Creator, entered the world to do His work.

But next came the first great empire, Mu-kalia, before the creation of mankind. This realm would not remain obedient to the Creator, and all its terrestrial angelic creatures and species had to be destroyed, with Atlantis following its example and fate.

There also came into being the special Garden east of Eden…and the fall, not of waters, but of humanity, when the world was again inundated by sin and rebellion and nearly again destroyed.

Atlantis survived until the time when the first great human empires began to arise, so that not all their arts and wisdom were lost in its destruction. Refugees carried some of their knowledge to outlying lands. Yet the peoples of Mizraim, Tyre, Babel, Keftiu, Hattu, Greece, and other places did not remember the Ancients of Mukalia and Atlantis, so thoroughly were they expunged from the Earth with all their evil-doing. It was just as well they did not remember, for they too grew as wicked as they could be as time went on.

By the time there was nothing but violence and immorality everywhere the Creator decided to destroy the earth and its people, for it seemed beyond redemption. Yet, searching the whole earth, he found one righteous man, Noah, who lived in the land of two great rivers with his wife and sons. Noah found favor in the eyes of the Creator, for Noah reverenced the Creator and Father of all things and sought to live rightly toward the Creator and with all his fellows. Seeing this, the Creator devised a plan to save them, and then through their line establish a holy nation out of which he would send forth a Messiah who would save the whole world to come—all this, because one metamorph took a drink of water in a forest clearing one fine day!

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